It Came From Outer Space!

That can be the only explanation. If there is another one, I’d love to hear it. It may take some convincing though.

I’ve thought about and thought about. And the it’s the only answer that fits!

I’ve mentioned before the little visitor I call the “Medifast bounce”. The minute I exit from a strict Medifast low carb eating plan and allow myself a carb of any kind, my weight bounces up 10 pounds. My clothes still fit. I still look the same. But the scale tells the story and it is always 10 pounds.

Is it water? The weight of the food I’m consuming? Fat?

I’ve adjusted. I’m ok with it.

If I want to weigh 180 pounds and I am losing weight the low carb way, I need to get down to 170 pounds to allow for that inevitable bounce. Ok. I’m a big boy. I can handle that.

But mainly because nothing is ever easy nor cut and dried, here comes the kicker. You think you are at least somewhat maintaining but the cosmos knows better.

I made it through a food orgy during Thanksgiving week somewhat unscathed. Ritulistic stuffing of the face with little or no exercise yielded what appeared to be a blessed 2 pound gain. Not bad!

The following week was spent eating and exercising much more sensibly; back on track as it were. By the end of the week I was thrilled to see the scale show those 2 pounds were gone and I was back to my pre-Thanksgiving weight. WooHoo!

And let me offer a word about that pre-Thanksgiving number. It is not exactly where I want to be. I would still like to lose 20 pounds. But I have grown happy with trying to just maintain at this point. Weight maintenance is a victory for a dyed in the wool fatty like me.

My goal is to make it to January at the same weight as in November. To me it would be a sign of my ability to navigate the booby trapped obstacle course also known as “the Holidays”. If I can eat and exercise my way through this time of the year then I will be doing ok.

But there is the rub.

My elation over losing 2 pounds was short lived indeed as a few days later a happy little hop on the scale showed a 4 pound jump. It hurts to even type that. Yep. Four pounds.

The even worse news is that number is not budging.

Where did this weight come from? I was trending downward, watching my calories, exercising, doing everything right….to no avail.

Lots of eating ahead.

My aerobic activity has been curbed somewhat; swimming only 2 days a week instead of my usual 3. Hey it is cold and dark by the time I get home from work. Don’t judge me!

Pretty bleak stuff.

At least I’m doing Pilates.

But if you can be disciplined and still pack on the pounds so quickly, what hope is there in surviving an eggnog or two? Or one more piece of peppermint bark?

I’m thinking of blaming aliens. Maybe I am the subject of some evil alien fat experiment.

My fat is not of this earth. It came from outer space!